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Friday, February 9, 2018


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 244

Completed reading Stieg Larsson’s second novel, The Girl who played with Fire. Another excellent novel with lots of suspense, action.

And then I finished Stieg’s third and last novel, The Girl who kicked the Hornet’s Nest. Great! Different, a kick ass book.

Have been busy reviewing, changing, checking paragraph spacing, every last friggin chapter heading and its spacing - over and over, and yet over again. That is why, fellow BAM critiquers, I have been away. My apologies.

Then I had to come up with the novel’s cover. I had the idea, and came up with a draft. Seven drat versions later I asked my son to work on it. He did, then I played some more. Over and over and over again I adjusted image spacing, conversion to PDF format.

Then the innards and outards were sent off to CreateSpace for their computer review. More changes, still more changes! Finally I resorted to the millennial son again. He finessed it, and I sent it in.

Am awaiting my first PROOF COPY. I expect more changes will be necessary to ensure the text portions all align properly. That means another line by line, section by section review. YIKES! Wish me luck! It’s been a hectic couple of weeks.

And, of course, I’ve had that other distraction of mine – TWITTER. Am over twenty-one thousand tweets now and average about 28 to 30 followers.

And I’ve also been taking a gazillion notes and putting them into a long, 62 page rough, rough draft of my next novel. I’ve come up with a detective series I call Murder and Mayhem. The first novel will be – Payroll Deduction.