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Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Tessera Trilogy Blog Post 179

Process –  Progress as determined by page count, word count and percent stands as follows: total page count went up to 219; total word count down to 97 K, and percent went up to 74.0 percent.

Completed the latest David Baldacci A. Shaw/Katie James “Super” detective novel, The Whole Truth.

Have also been researching various aspects of next two novels – TNO, a sequel to the Tessera Trilogy, and the first two novels of my future detective series, Money and Mayhem.

Have subscribed to the newsletter of another local writers group, The Water Street Writers Group in Fredericksburg. I learned of the group, which appears from a brief look at its website, to be commercially oriented.

BAM 11 January 2016 critique comments
BAM member –
1.      Page three drew me in, pages 1 and 2 more narrative – agree, working
2.      Section about confusion on airfields went astray – agree, will improve
3.      Missed the cousins – they’ll come soon
4.      Minor editorial changes – agree and disagree. Many reflect military usage
5.      Change “super” pilot to read “superb” pilot – disagree
6.      Liked the tension hook at end about “another kind of war” - thanks

BAM member –
1.       Some parts are hard to follow – agree, working
2.      Increase focus on characters – agree, working
3.      Increase focus on Major Levi – agree, working
4.      Delete confusion on the ground – disagree; part of reality of wars
5.      Liked the hook about coming war – thanks
6.      Reduce use of adverbs – agree
7.      Unsure what “the finger of death” meant – just that, death was identifying its next victim

BAM member –
1.      Minor editorial changes – agree
2.      Very good descriptions of TOC, air operations and dogfights – realistic – thanks
3.      Good description of confusion on runways – thanks
4.      Confused as to which plane was which – disagree; have been identifying F-16s as Israeli, F-15s as Saudi from the first
5.      Good hook for next chapter - thanks

BAM member –
1.      Incredible detail – thanks
2.      Need to feel the loss of friends, through Saudi or Israeli character – agree
3.      Include DM’s nephew – agree, working
4.      No written comments

BAM member –
1.      Uncertain of audience, main characters – military readers, identified earlier
2.      Incorporate more of character’s actions – agree, working

3.      No written comments